Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sleep eluded night
Moon light
And barn owls like flying saucers
Hit harsh on glass panes

Then came the hour of the wolf
And shadows whispered
Crumble to sleep you dirty baby

Fell fast, deep into her bare bosom
Dragons and lizards crawled across naked limbs
Someone dripped love-in-idleness
And she only left with all her grace

Morning sun beamed
And I yawned
Good morning my dear sun
Good morning my dear son
Both of us muttered

Saturday, March 29, 2008

all the world's a stage............

the last note you left me, soaked in tears, was full of sorrow and shattered dreams. i the ashamed penniless watched you disappear into the holiday crowd of that bleak afternoon. for a moment i felt you are heading to a point of no return.
but today in this eccentric shopping mall of this perverse city with two naughty flowers and your man with that thick mustache you feel happy. so happy that you can’t realize me in this- yet another holiday crowd.
good old friend. live happily in your palace of conscious amnesia.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

why they hate us

They hate us
As when we see a hungry child
A raped girl or a burned house
Blood rages inside our nerves
They know the devastating power of our blood
To crush the castles
Which they mercilessly built
On the dead bodies of their slaves

Friday, March 21, 2008

the last campus note

O dearie
Keep with you these moments
These tiny moments
These melancholy moments
These nonsense moments
In this sad day of forsaking

With its aroma of wild flowers
In the cool shade of these rain trees
The site of that distant goods train vanishing
The tireless song of that lone koel souring our hearts
And this moisture
This moisture of our tearful faces
This moisture of our shivering lips
This moisture of our broken hearts
All these All these
We share in this final tryst

Keep them wrapped
Wrapped within the silky softness of your soul
All through your journey
With that black stallion

tears of the actress

The actress cries
Cameras blink
Gossips flood
Slanderous women fabricate-
Fantastic rosy to murky stories
Quixotic youth dream of being epic heroes
Saving her from the grip of demons
And cunning wolves smell hot blood
In saline realities of her moist cheeks

The actress cries
Salty tears flow
Out of her wounded heart
Through her lovely cheeks of innocence
Undoing her make up
Exposing her beauty
Her womanhood
Her frailty
And her weakness
To sleep on the warm comfort of his hairy chest